
Natural eco friendly reusable mesh microfiber biodegradable scrub cleaning cellulose sponge scrubber clean kitchen sponges

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Natural eco friendly reusable mesh microfiber biodegradable scrub cleaning cellulose sponge scrubber clean kitchen sponges











The kitchen sponges are made of natural and biodegradable materials.


Making it easy and eco-friendly to clean dishes, countertops, appliances and much more.

The sponges fit any modern and eco-friendly home. The sponge is made of 100% natural cellulose, making it absorbent and soft. While the scrub/scourer side is made to be tough and scratch-free, meaning it leaves no scratches and is suitable for delicate glasses, stainless steel and lotus-effect surfaces.


It is made of 60% natural sisal fibres and 40% recycled polyester. 


We try to make every product plastic-free, vegan, sustainable and biodegradable.


The kitchen sponges come in 100% recyclable biodegradable packaging.






Long-lasting saving both your wallet and the environment.


We're confident that you'll love our sponge



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