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I. What is a jade roller ?
A jade roller is a beauty tool made of jade or other stones that's used for face massage. The crystal isn't just aesthetically pleasing, but most of the benefits come from the fact that it's cold to the touch.
II. Jade roller benefits ?
A jade roller help to reduce eye strain, repaire sunburn, sooth sunburn, relieve puffiness, tigthen the skin.
III. How to use ?
Start at the center of your chin, rolling out and up toward your ear. Then move the roller up to the side of your mouth and repeat. Repeat again, starting this time at the side of the nose. Roll it under your eye, moving it horizontally toward your temple, and repeat it on your eyelid. On your forehead, roll it up from your brow to your hairline. Then roll it horizontally out toward your temple. Finally, repeat on the other side of your face.
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